Playing is good for the soul.

We have forgotten the little pleasures in life. How to play, a great big, tear inducing laugh, a dessert for no good reason. As a culture, we seem so hell bent on success that we never stop and realize that we are missing the little things until it is too late. Just remember that when you are older, sitting and reminiscing, that you won’t regret that you didn’t spend more time at the office, but that you lived the life that you always wished for.

Playing is good for the soul. Value and treasure it.

Every Tuesday evening my sister comes over. It is a tradition that started once I moved out of my parent’s house. Every week she comes by, we make dinner, watch movies, or play games. Mr. Taste and I love having her over. We enjoy every ounce of time spent with her. The three of us laugh till our bellies are pained. Each Tuesday evening I try to make a little something special. Be it a dish that she enjoys or a dessert. Even though it is just the three of us, I like to embellish our food. Take last night’s dessert, a mix of strawberries, a bit of cake, whip cream all topped with strawberry champagne chocolate shavings.

Every day should be adorned with something beautiful – despite the fact you are going to eat it in seconds.